“Ram Luna is the best for its varied menu with all the delicious things Ticos like to eat, plus a great show featuring dances of the northwest province of Guanacaste, and a view high above San Jose that is hard to beat.” (Tripadvisor)

Ram Luna nestles high in the mountains overlooking the Central Valley.

From this unique perch you can enjoy panoramic sunset views and then take in the glittering brilliance of San José city lights.

You’ll be treated to a sampling of Costa Rican folkloric dance and marimba music from the northwestern province of Guanacaste, while savoring a delicious buffet dinner that features traditional local dishes.

During our visit, local artisans will exhibit unique and exquisite creations representing the different regions of the country.

The evening culminates with a typical Costa Rican “mascarada” (masquerade) extravaganza and fireworks.